Igloo 13.1.5
Umbraco Forms Widget now correctly renders if column layout used
Navigation widget supports multiple column options
Default setting for instagram gallery layout
More widgets allowed in Footer Columns
Igloo 13.1.4
Fixed core package migration issue in 13.1.3
Introduced a new layout for displaying the Instagram feed gallery.
Updated Twitter to X in Umbraco general settings.
Updated validation rules for X and Instagram usernames in Umbraco general settings.
Updated icons for Widget Text & Image and Text & Image settings.
Updated the names of some Umbraco fields to make them clearer and easier to use.
Igloo 13.1.3
A buggy release, found a core package migration issue and it will be fixed in 13.1.4
Igloo 13.1.2
Fixed issue with null image in Widget Column Pod.
Igloo 13.1.1
aspnet-validation.js updated to support Umbraco forms 13
Igloo 13.1.0
Instagram Feed Widget - restored
Hero Widget - inner overlay
Theme - letter casing for main navigation
Subheader Navigation Item - allow custom text color
Pod Widget - update the image upload name for Pod from
toimage and video
Umbraco Form Widget - instability in trial ended scenarios
Igloo 13.0.4
Updated the readme
Igloo 13.0.3
Updated the readme
Igloo 13.0.2
Licensing Optimisation
Igloo 13.0.1
Known issues:
If using Umbraco.Cms 13.2.0, the DataType - IG - Media Picker
shows an error Maximum entries, requires 0 more. Maximum entries, 0 too many
this can be resolved by simply resaving the DataType in the Umbraco Backoffice
Umbraco v13 support 🎉
Igloo 6.0.4
Umbraco v11-12 support
Igloo 5.0.2
Patch for faulty data types on package import
Added video file support to Igloo Media Data Type
Igloo 5.0.1
Fixed faulty documenttype in document types
Fixed error on subgrid
Igloo 5.0.0
Umbraco 10 support
Problem with line-height inputs on theme settings
Person widget in grid caused an error
Igloo 4.0.3
Faulty search result across multlingual sites
Hide link in menu for search page automatically
Igloo 4.0.2
Error on first publish of example site
Culture fix on Search
Fix for certain partials that could not be loaded
Fallback value fix on sitemap
Moved package migration into Core
Igloo 4.0.1
Css fix on hero
Fix for certain partials that could not be loaded
Igloo 4.0
Umbraco 9 support
New faster Settings service for getting all the Igloo settings
You can now have "stage-" or "dev-" in your domain and not get a license warning
Fixed bug where search would not work for document types not having variants activated
Igloo 3.3
Map widget 50/50 wide, add settings for text-right
Update license whitelist to include new Umbraco Cloud urls
Igloo Measurement Value - Empty not working with line heights
Toggle password visibility is the default button for form
Container Width, Container Width Small, Container Width Big using wrong alias reference
Search requires Allow vary by culture to be set on new doctypes
Igloo 3.2
Rewrite of the Gallery widget using CSS grid + video support
Setting for 404-page
Added Igloo.config file with search settings
Button style underline
Added new settings to theme node: Border Dark, Border Light, Success, Error, Text: Font Size, Text Big: Font Size, Text Small: Font Size, Text: Line Height, Text: Font Weight, Text Big: Font Weight, Heading: Line Height, Heading: Font Weight, Heading 1: Font Size, Heading 2: Font Size, Heading 3: Font Size, Heading 4: Font Size, Heading 5: Font Size, Heading 6: Font Size, Hero Heading: Font Size, Hero Heading Mobile: Font Size, Navigation Font Size, Navigation Font Size Mobile, Navigation Font Weight
Toggle password visibility on Login and Register widgets
All first level widgets can now have a custom id for anchor tags
Updated UI for Theme Explorer
Text & Images have same padding as other blocks, added a compact setting
Set mobile nav padding to --grid-gutter
Added Recaptcha 3 partial to Umbraco Forms Theme
Updated Autoprefixer settings to ">1%, last 1 ie version"
Text & Image should align with container width
scroll-behavior: smooth;
to html element
Search missing explicitly associated label
"Go to top" button should set focus to #content
Footer navigation header should be h2
Text aside widgets should be h2
Pre headings should be divs
Added underline to links inside paragraphs
Add autocomplete to known fields
Updated forms UI to improve contrast
Missing rel="noopener" on footer social links
Theme alt contrast color not saved in generated theme
Card text color get overwritten from grid text color
Igloo 3.1
Set default image quality to 80
Use passive event listeners
Replace window scroll events with Intersection Observers
Comment out custom.js & custom.css from start
Preload Font Awesome
Default google font with display swap
Font Awesome display swap
Make footer column width optional, fill out available space if not set
Igloo 3.0
Use Block List instead of Nested Content
Added share email button to Post
Hotjar tracking support
Text widget sidebar can now be set to sticky
Added Grid Widgets to Post
Added Grid Widgets to Text Widget
Added embed code to Grid Video
Hide and show nav items depending on member login status
Added “Remember me“ checkbox to Login Widget
Setting for Tabs to show “pills” navigation
Added Horizontal Scroll Mobile to Grid settings
Added Adjust Column Height to Grid settings
Populate hreflang tag if available
Setting for noindex, nofollow
Extend render widget partial to take index (improve heading hierarchy)
Improved structured data on Post
Added setting to set Accordion to structured data FAQ
Make column width optional, fill out available space if not set
Tabs now use deep-linking based on hash-navigation
The page will scroll down to active tab if URL contains
Heading in Navigation widgets can have a link
Text & Image widget: Align content vertical/horizontal
Text widget background-color
Setting to disable auto-expand on Navigation Widget
Newsletter form container use border-radius var
Tab navigation improved contrast
Improved crops created for Hero and Cards for better mobile versions and focal point support.
Animate setting works inside the slider, animating when slide becomes visible
Google Analytics 4 ID support
Main nav selected state on big-nav item
Share modal missing URL on desktop
Casting 3-level nav as Page
Fixed logo padding issue for Safari
Theme explorer mobile height issue
Theme explorer do not save over fonts if either dropdown at "Select font"
Problems with Contact form if not variation is activated
Create generated-themes folder if it does not exist on theme save
Igloo 2.4
Member controller dictionary items
Custom Approved Color Picker loses reference to theme node when placed in the root of site.
File-upload always mandatory in Umbraco Forms
Javascript crashes in some in-app browsers
Header Button not centered vertically
Igloo 2.3
Rewrite of CSS using CSS custom properties (CSS variables)
Rewrite of JS in vanilla instead of jQuery
Theme Explorer
Added Theme alt color
Approved Color Picker that gets values directly from theme node
Footer -> Code widget
Text widget now has container and sidebar position settings
Support for Instagram Basic Display API
Loading state for buttons in the newsletter & contact form.
Added a custom.css and custom.js file
Added text-small to RTE formats
Added a clean Umbraco Forms email template
Added pager to search result page
Ability to overwrite language name and flag
Removed DotLess dependency
Padding issue when buttons break into two rows
Nesting big navigation in normal navigation results in a YSOD
Consistent use of widget "Alias" field
Map will not render without zoom level
Navigation item touch-state changes the width of the element
Logo only returning http link
YSOD if there is no published settings node
Igloo 2.2
Grid -> Slider
Grid, Footer, Text Sidebar -> Navigation
Header navigation alignment
Rewritten core functionalities for better performance
Faster search
Added author title to Grid-> Quote
Error handling for newsletter, contact form & loginFixed
Mega-nav z-index
Favicon & Appicon not working
Package option view not reading Igloo.key file
Igloo 2.1
Mega Navigation
Scroll-based animations
Sub Grid
Buttons DataType
Package Option View
Grid > Link List
Error log for theme-node
Option to disable language picker
Overlay opacity 5% returned 50%
Could not load dotless.Core after Umbraco update
Card height & overlay error
Last updated
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